7 Tips to Successfully Turn Job Rejection to Your Advantage

7 Tips to Successfully Turn Job Rejection to Your Advantage

Almost all professionals go through the process of being rejected for a job. The challenging task, at that point, is to try and stay motivated, despite the difficult circumstances surrounding you.

Being jobless does not just threaten your financial security but drags you down emotionally and mentally as well. Every day, you feel uncertain about the way forward, evaluating how to sell yourself to strangers and sometimes even getting ghosted.

All of this can be exhausting. But it does not have to be this way, and you do not need to dread getting rejected. Below are some ways that can help you deal with rejection and turn your life around.

What To Do After Getting Rejected?

The methods below cannot take away the pain of being rejected, but they can help ease it. Some of these can even aid you in turning a rejection into a different opportunity.

1.      Think Positively

After receiving a job rejection, most people tend to ponder what went wrong. If you were unable to secure the position that you wanted, you must be feeling disappointed right now and wallowing in self-pity.

However, it is better to look forward rather than feel demotivated and think about your failures. Whenever negative thoughts creep up, think about all the things that went well throughout the application process.

It would be wise to remind yourself that you made it to the interview rounds, which is not an insignificant feat. This is important, especially since it entails that you stood out amongst hundreds of applicants.

Keep in mind that even though you are not a good fit for the company right now, you are qualified and capable enough to make it to the interview rounds. A positive attitude will aid you in moving forward.

2.      Send A Thank You Email

Instead of being discouraged after a rejection, it is a great idea to write up a thank you email and send it to the organization that you interviewed for. In the email, let the hiring manager and interviewers know that you are grateful for the opportunity that they gave to you.

In addition, this is your chance to display a strong character and build a good relationship, especially if you congratulate the company on finding the right person for the job.

Lastly, it is advised that you also ask the relevant person to let you know how you can stay on the organization’s radar for opportunities in the future. This could help you land a position later if you are still on the hunt.

3.      Request Feedback

Getting feedback from an organization that rejected you can help you better understand if there was something lacking from your end. However, it is not suggested to question the company bluntly.

Rather, you need to be strategic and tactful about this, asking questions that the relevant people are likely to respond to. These could be the following.

  • Is there something missing from my resume?
  • Were you looking for a particular skill that I do not possess?
  • Could you offer some advice for improvement?

Incorporating feedback into the application process can be beneficial for you when you apply for another job at a different organization. It gives you valuable insight into what recruiters may be looking for.

As a result, it is an opportunity for you to mold yourself better as a potential candidate and market your skills in a favorable manner.

4.      Go Through The Materials Again

If you are receiving calls for interviews, it means that your LinkedIn profile, resume, and overall preparation have impressed the recruiter enough to want to meet you. However, a rejection could sometimes indicate that something is missing.

Thus, it is advised that you go through all your materials once again with a fine toothcomb to ensure that nothing is out of place. It may not be the reason for rejection, but it does not hurt to recheck one more time.

Keep in mind that giving an interview is an excellent learning opportunity. Once you walk out of one, you may have decided to highlight some specific skills more than others. Make sure to take the time to adjust your resume and profile accordingly.

5.      Make Strategic Decisions

After you have moved past the initial hurt and disappointment you felt after being rejected for the position you applied for, you can re-evaluate your career strategy. Think about the following questions.

  • How does work fit into the overall plan that you have for your life?
  • Which values do you want your new job to have?
  • Which roles are you qualified for?
  • Which kind of a job would suit your lifestyle, goals, and needs?
  • Are there any organizations that can help you achieve your goals?

Penning down answers to the questions above can help you improve the current career strategy that you have been following. It can further aid you in building yourself into a candidate that any company would want to hire.

Moreover, this is the time to take a look at how you can foster professional connections with people working in the industry and use it as an opportunity to learn about new job positions.

6.      Refine Your Research

Sometimes, rejection can make you realize that you did not want that position after all. Think about what your life would have been like if you had been accepted for the role and if it would have allowed you to grow professionally.

If reflection on the role makes you realize that you would not have been happy in that position, then it is time to improve the job research process.

Focus on the experiences you have to refine the job hunt in the future. Evaluate the keywords that you have been using and see if they match your aspirations and ambitions. If not, it is time to pick and choose the skills you have on your resume and research accordingly.

7.      Keep Exploring

At times, an organization may take longer than expected to get back to you or not send out a rejection confirmation at all. In either case, do not spend this time waiting. Instead, keep sending out applications for other jobs and hoping for the best.

If the rejection does come while you are applying to various roles, analyze what the position was about and why you felt like you were the right fit for it. When you find the answer, it will be easier to search for jobs with similar job descriptions.

Move Forward With The Job Search

Your confidence can take a hit when you get rejected from a position, and make you question your qualifications, skills, and experiences. However, at a time like this, it is wise to remind yourself that rejection is just a minor setback.

Take a day or two off and think about your future career trajectory before you resume the job search and application process. Remind yourself about how hard you have worked to get here, so keep the momentum going. Remember, difficult experiences happen to teach you a valuable lesson. One day, everything will eventually come together, and your struggles will be worth it.

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